Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Small-talk Dialogue

Sisters, Brothers, and Friends:

Regarding this Blog Site, I wish to say the following:

1.  You are free to respond to any of the articles previously written, no matter how old they are.  If you have seen anything in any of them the spark your curiosity, feel free to respond and have us engage in discussion.  For the time being, I will try to limit myself to writing one article per week, so as to give you, the reader, time and space to digest the most recent ones.  Feel free to "jump in" at any point and contribute your "two cents."  Do not be afraid to disagree with me or any one else participating in these exchanges.  This is a dialogue, and each contributor is free to express her/his own opinions and points of view.  And since none of us is infallible, we all have much to learn from
each other.  I look forward to hearing and learning from you.

2.  I do not have a monopoly on the topics of this Blog Site.  Feel free to initiate topics of your own for discussion.  That might come in the form of raising questions that you may have about any given issue, or "taking a stand" on an issue that you feel strongly about.  Again, we all have a lot to learn
from each other by listening to each other.  Again, I look forward to hearing and learning from you.

Brother, colleague, and friend,

Juan Ayala-Carmona

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