So now, it's been almost a month since the Presidential elections. There have been different reactions to the surprise that many experienced by having Donald Trump elected to be the next POTUS. After all the expressions, i.e. elation for some, and outright disdain and disgust for others, there now remains a fundamental question that we all have to deal with: Where do we go from here? Or we could ask, what lies ahead for the American public and for the world in the next four years?
Since none of us has a mirror that will allow us to look into the future to see every single occurrence, and since none of us has a magic wand to wave to change the course of history, no one can predict with accuracy what will happen in the next four years. And neither can any of us individually change the course of history.
My own perspective as a Christian minister and theologian is that Christ is the Lord, not only of the universe, but of history as well. He and he alone, as God's agent of liberation in the world, will determine the future for everyone in this planet.
If I were to begin to guess what might happen, I would surmise that the new Presidential administration will institute and install a government of white supremacy where African Americans and other people "of color" will suffer a lot more than they have since the foundation of this white supremacist nation-state, i.e. "Slavetown, USA." I suspect that there will be another Civil War based on ethnicity and race. I have a haunch that oppressed groups and social classes will suffer much, much more than they have. I also believe that oppressed groups will not tolerate the abuse and arise in opposition to fight against the abuse, and rightly so. Some will take the attitude, "Give the guy a chance," or "let's wait and see." I have my doubts, and as I've shared with some in a semi-humorous way, I think that God also has Her/His own doubts.
Is it possible that I could be very, very wrong? It is possible, but not probable. As a person who looks at historical trends, not only in the USA, but also on a global scale, I make predictions that are subject to correction and revision, but that at the same time, no doubt, have elements of accuracy in them.
It is my sincere hope and prayer that as we prepare to enter 2017 under a new regime, that we carefully brace ourselves and plan for a backlash. None of us like to be told "I told you so," but the truth of the matter is that "I told you so."
As we enter 2017, let us remember that Christ is Lord and that He and He alone, not only directs, but also determines the ultimate course and outcome of history.
In the Name of the Creator, and the Liberator, and of the Sustainer. Amen.
Rev. Dr. Juan A. Carmona
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