This book is designed to make a case for stripping the Bible of its colonial elements, both in its writings, and also in its recording of the actions of the "people of the book" relative colonization, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. The writers of the book were members of a colonial and genocidal nation-state (ancient Israel) who justified these actions by saying that they were "God-ordained," and "God-mandated."
This writer seeks to debunk and deconstruct those theological paradigms which justify and sugar-coat human atrocities in the name of God. In so doing, I realize that I risk being alienated and ostracized by my fellow-members of the community of faith who only see the sacred element in the text, but fail to take into account its flaws by virtue of the fact that the book is a human enterprise written by flawed people.
As a Liberation theologian, I work from the premise that oppression and suffering are the starting points for biblical interpretation and theological reflection. For the purposes of this book, I will include colonization, ethnic cleansing, and genocide as forms of human oppression.
I wish to express my gratitude to the Rev. Dr. Chong-gyiau-Wong, President of the Tainan Theological College and Seminary for having allowed me the privilege of serving for two years as a Visiting Scholar/Professor of theology, during which time, I engaged in research preparing to write this book.
I dedicate this book to my beloved wife Ruth who is constantly prodding me to be the best scholar and writer that I can be. I so appreciate her affirmation and constant encouragement.
I also dedicate this book to our six children, i.e. Dr. Geoffrey Antonio Carmona-Baez, Jennica Carmona-Arandia, Jessica Carmona-Baez, Cinnamon Ruth-Leggett, Jeremiah Louis Ramos, and Adora-Rae Ramos and their beloved children. To them we dedicate this book with love and with the hope that they too, will pursue their careers and passions with the same intensity that Ruth and I have.
Juan A. Carmona
September 27, 2019
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